In the seven years during which Channel 4 was broadcasting live cricket coverage (from 1999 to 2005), Countdown's schedule was disrupted on a regular basis. However, when matches were rained off or finished early, Channel 4 was able to treat us to 'classic' editions of our favourite show. This page contains details of every such show broadcast in place of the planned coverage, although there is a slim possibility that the information for 1999 may not be complete, as I didn't initially realise what Channel 4 were up to! If anyone has any corrections to the information listed below, please email me.
From 2003 to 2005, Countdown Specials were shown instead of repeats. These are detailed below, while full details appear on the Countdown Specials Page.
During Orig Series Date No S/Wk/Dy Broadcast Contestants ------ -- -------- ---- ------- --------- ---- ------------------------------------------- 41 Mo 26/07/99 100 3/5/4 20/10/83 P20 David Coss v William Bradford Mo 23/08/99 546 12/1/2 14/04/87 P2 Stephen Balment v Keith Albans 42 Mo 22/05/00 1329 25/1/2 05/01/93 CQF2 Derek Coombs v Fiona Willis Mo 19/06/00 1332 25/1/5 08/01/93 CSF1 Chris Waddington v Robert Teuton 43 Mo 03/07/00 1263 24/1/1 29/06/92 P1 Bernadette Battman v Wayne Summers Tu 25/07/00 2163 38/1/1 29/12/97 CP1 Pete Cashmore v Paul Peters Th 27/07/00 2271 38/22/4 28/05/98 P94 Jill Bright v Wilma Anscombe Th 03/08/00 1368 25/9/1 01/03/93 P34 Don Reid v Michael Feaver Mo 14/08/00 2548 40/26/1 21/06/99 QF3 Ricky Cohen v Terence English Mo 21/08/00 2023 35/11/1 09/06/97 P51 Robert Jones v Amy Godel 44 Th 17/05/01 27/04/01 "A Tribute To Countdown: 3000 and Counting" Mo 21/05/01 2720 42/10/2 29/02/00 P42 Andy Brown v Barry Scaum 45 Th 26/07/01 2693 42/4/5 21/01/00 P15 John Snedden v Amey Deshpande 48 Mo 29/07/02 3208 47/12/3 13/03/02 JSF2 Andrew Hulme v Amey Deshpande We 31/07/02 3165 47/3/5 11/01/02 P13 Jeremy Slaney v Tracey Mills Mo 26/08/02 3212 47/13/2 19/03/02 P57 Tony Harding v Paul Burlinson Mo 09/09/02 3202 47/11/2 05/03/02 P50 Brenda Jolley v Gillian Clements 49 Mo 26/05/03 S1 n/a Stuart Barker v Daphne Barker 50 Fr 25/07/03 S2 n/a Terence English v Glynn Leaney Mo 04/08/03 S3 n/a Terry Rattle v Elfie Winterton Mo 18/08/03 S4 n/a Mark Roper v Ruth Atkin Mo 25/08/03 S5 n/a Simon Cobb v David Stainer Mo 08/09/03 S8 n/a David Acton v Kenneth Michie 51 Mo 14/06/04 S15 n/a Pete Cashmore v Dag Griffiths 52 Mo 26/07/04 S16 n/a Richard Saldanha v Kate Ogilvie Mo 02/08/04 S17 n/a Mike Brown v Nita Marr Fr 13/08/04 S18 n/a Ray McPhie v Christine White Mo 23/08/04 S19 n/a Margaret Sambrooks v Terry Brooks 53 Mo 30/05/05 S23 n/a Austin Shin v Beth Sutton
The broadcast date for the match between David Coss and William Bradford may be incorrect, but was definitely shown in place of cricket in 1999.
According to TV listings published at the time, cricket was due to be shown on 5 July 2000, but was rained off, and a show made for broadcast on that day was shown at the slightly later than usual time of 4.45.