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This page lists all of the presenters, hostesses and 'vital statisticians' (as they were once known) who have appeared on Countdown over the years. Some of the information for the first three series is lacking in detail; if you have anything you can add to the below, please contact me at the usual email address.

Main Presenters

Richard Whiteley - Series 1 (1982) to Series 53 (2005); Countdown Masters (1989-91); Celebrity Countdown (1998); Countdown Specials (2003-5) [3,959 editions, plus 104 Masters, 8 Celebrity and 25 Specials]

Desmond Lynam - Series 54 (2005) to Series 55 (2006) [303 editions]

Des O'Connor - Series 56 (2007) to Series 59 (2008) [470 editions]

Jeff Stelling - Series 60 (2009) to Series 65 (2011) [666 editions, plus 6 Specials]


As noted elsewhere, the 1997 Christmas Special was presented by William G Stewart with Susie Dent.

Hostesses, Vital Statisticians and Co-Presenters

Cathy Hytner - [Hostess] Series 1 (1982) to Series 13 (1987) [approx. 639 editions] *a

Beverley Isherwood - [Hostess] Series 1 (1982) to Series 3 (1983) [117 editions] *b

Carol Vorderman - [Vital Statistician] Series 1 (1982) to Series 17 (1989); [Co-Presenter] Series 18 (1989) to Series 53 (2005); [Presenter] Series 56 (2005) to Series 59 (2008) [approx. 4,692 editions, plus 104 Masters, 8 Celebrity and 25 Specials] *c

Linda Barrett - [Vital Statistician] Series 1 (1982) to Series 2 (1983) [approx. 40 editions] *d

Angela O'Dougherty - [Hostess] Series 2 (1983) [approx. 5 editions] *e

Karen Loughlin - [Hostess] Series 14 (1987) to Series 16 (1988) [168 editions]

Lucy Summers - [Hostess] Series 17 (1989) [55 editions]

Rachel Riley - [Co-Presenter] Series 60 (2009) to Series 65 (2011) [666 editions, plus 6 Specials]


*a appeared in all programmes except those featuring Angela O'Dougherty.

*b appeared for the last time on 21/11/83.

*c approximately alternated with Linda Barrett during Series 1 & 2, in some cases possibly both appearing on the same programme; credited as Carol Mather from Series 9 (1986) to C of C III Grand Final (Series 13) (1987).

*d approximately alternated with Carol Vorderman during Series 1 & 2, in some cases possibly both appearing on the same programme; credited as Dr Linda Barrett.

*e only appeared towards the end of the series, probably from QF2 to SF2.

For the first 117 programmes (i.e. until part way through Series 3), the numbers were put up by Beverley Isherwood, with the letters being put up by Cathy (or Angela). From then on, the hostess was responsible for putting up both the letters and the numbers, as well as operating the conundrum board until it was automated at the beginning of Series 9. From Series 18, Carol took on the hostess role as well as continuing in her original role of numbers adjudicator and solver. Rachel Riley continues in a similar vein.

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