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Series 39 Seeds

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Seed Contestant Wins Points ---- ------------------------ ---- ------ 1 Terry Knowles 8 502 2 Kate Ogilvie 8 417 3 Vic Foster 7 448 4 Richard Saldanha 6 386 5 Nick Buttle 6 374 6 Andrew Lucas 6 357 Vicky Smith 6 346 * Glynn Leaney 6 288 ** 7 Pat Peacock 5 328 8 Valerie Swanick 4 270 * unable to attend finals - scores carried forward to Series 40 ** undefeated at end of series - scores carried forward to Series 40


Points include winning and losing scores, but not any points from extra conundrums.
Order of seeds determined by number of wins, then total number of points.

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